America Polarized

The chances are good that if your extended family got together for Thanksgiving dinner this year, there was a bitter political discussion. For Americans, according to Pew Research, values and beliefs are more polarized along partisan lines than at any point in the past 25 years, perhaps extended even…

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Grand Old Tea Party

Reactionaries are extremely conservative, especially opposed to social change, wanting to keep or return to past cultural values. Definitions always seem cut and dried, not allowing for nuance, but this definition perhaps lets us understand what is driven by the Grand Old Tea Party (GOTP, formerly less aptly called…

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Now It’s Wile E. Coyote (Paul Ryan) & Roadrunner (Patty Murray)

Americans, don’t misguide your anger about the shutdown and the near default, which permanently lost us some $24 billion in economic output, according to Standard and Poor (S&P). Apply reason to the issue so that you can correct the menacing forces that cause all our problems – there can…

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Dogs of Default

The Navy Yard shooting rampage highlights the ravages of a gun culture, but soon we’ll need to look at the potential carnage caused by the budget fight and its hostage-taking. Republicans, with Ted Cruz standing at the forefront, are – in effect – figuratively holding a gun to Obama’s…

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The Tea Party — Billionaire Scam?

Are politicians like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Michelle Bachmann, Paul Ryan, and Marco Rubio populist Tea Party vintage or just tools of the very rich? Is the obstruction caused by Tea Party representatives in Congress really grass-roots, or is it runaway ideologues playing for attention and uncontrolled by their…

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Of Cherry Trees, Vaginas & Arithmetic: The Demise of the GOP

Once upon a time in our America, an election was lost, but the power and voice of the people were heard. It was the majority of the people. The system worked, just as the founding fathers had intended. This angers a faction of the populace, the same populace that…

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No Class Warfare

“God dammed Obama.” He muttered as the pump continued to click off and on. “Son of a Bitch gas went up again, those bastard Muslim friends of his get richer!”

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