Triple Consciousness and the Black Woman

W.E.B Du Bois was a brilliant man. He was an important contributing factor to the new social science named sociology and one of the greatest writers of the African American experience. He introduced the concept of “Double Consciousness”, the way that African Americans viewed themselves, individually and as a…

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Your Grocery Store and You

One aspect of the human condition that grocery stores use to their advantage is that crowds of people move in predictable manners. We essentially move like elephants being herded when we go into many stores, but especially a grocery store

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Graffiti Versus Billboards

By: Thomas Donnovan Broken Window Theory first came about in 1982 when sociologists James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling first published a paper called "Broken Windows: The Police and Neighborhood Safety." In summation, Wilson and Kelling conclude that if the physical makeup of a neighborhood goes into disrepair…

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Makes Me Wanna Holla

Living in the inner-city will suck the joy out of life if you have the misfortune to live there. Who wouldn’t be depressed about being surrounded by ignorant male youth lounging aimlessly on the corners bragging about the women they used to have, foul-mouthed, uncouth young women fighting over…

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Ghetto Nation

Ghetto - A section of a city to which an entire ethnic or economically depressed group is is restricted; as by poverty or social pressure. Life for Blacks who reside in the inner-city has never been easy, but in the years since crack cocaine hit things have most definitely…

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Die Hipster Scum, Die!

Our parents had the Hippies, our older siblings had the Punks; and from the looks of things, we're stuck with the Hipsters. I'm not trying to write a rant condemning all Hipsters (although with sufficient reader feedback I'd be happy to!) Instead, I'm just trying to make sense of what seems to be one of our generation's most visible cultural products.

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