I Couldn’t Make Him Stop. I’m Sorry.

I run my hands over my thighs to smooth my skirt. I’m nervous so my leg is bouncing. I notice it and force myself to hold still then I smooth my skirt again. The big, fluffy arm chair I’m enveloped in is too comfortable. The dissonance between it’s squishy…

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Through the Looking Glass

Imagine the pastor of your church telling you that heterosexuality is an abomination, and a sin against God, that it’s in defiance of the Bible, but that the church will still love you even though you are a sinner, and that if you just pray hard enough, and perhaps seek psychiatric attention, you may just be able to be cured of your perversion.

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Accosted by a Christian

My wife Catherine and I used to study and practice Zen. One morning we were walking toward our car after a night spent sitting zazen at a Zen center with a dozen or so other would-be Buddhas. (Zazen is Zen meditation: you sit; you close your eyes; you try to disconnect from…


Like Wings on a Pig

These days, every Christian who is “against homosexuality” (whatever in the name of Monstro’s blowhole that actually means) presents the same argument. That argument is … well, this, taken directly from an email sent me this morning: Would you support a serial adulterer who loves his wife, but is…

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Religion, the Scapegoat?

By: Skye Lyon Can man, unbound by any form of religion, truly be fulfilled in his life? Well…not really. It is achievable for any man, women, child, plant, or animal to venture off into his own pleasures and worthless ambitions without the guiding of a supreme being. For those…

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