“Spitting Game: The College Hook-Up Culture” – Documentary

  Spitting Game: The College Hook Up Culture opens Pandora’s Box and takes a penetrating look into the social lives of students. Hooking Up, described as a drunken, no strings attached sexual encounter has eclipsed traditional dating on college campuses across the nation. Spitting Game is a provocative and…


OH, The Power of Jizz!

Seems that there are some women in Zimbabwe that got arrested for sexually assaulting males for their sperm.  Supposedly, it wards off evil spirits or possesses some kind of other supernatural powers other than preserving the human species, if that isn’t enough, right?. Now, this really piqued my interest…

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Woman Sues Husband for Lack of Sex

Shared By: Whymenlovewhores.com A French woman sued her ex-husband of 21 years for failing to have enough sex with her during their marriage and now the ex-husband has been ordered to pay her $17,000 in damages. The ex-husband who is 51 years old was fined under article 215 of…

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Men-OH-Pause: The Second Virginity

By: Diva Dee It’s already been established that men and women reach their sexual peaks at different stages throughout their lifetimes.  Well dang! It’s hard enough to deal with the moods on a daily basis let alone mid-life visions of no more sugar-plums dancing in our heads.  It is…

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Dear Mrs. Doe

Dear Ms. Doe, I thought I should take a moment to write you about your husband, for there are a few things I think you need to know about him. Have you noticed lately how handsome he is? He is aging quite nicely even if he is carrying a…

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Sex Addiction Vs. Cheaters

By: Natasha Scott It’s funny how people who have cheated always try to say they're addicted to sex instead of stating the real reason why they cheated. Sex is a part of life, to some people its a BIG deal and to others it doesn’t really matter. People cheat…

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