Faith in the Unknown

Could you even imagine an airship originating from another world – autonomous, or maybe flown or guided by an alien creature? Even our Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) – commonly called drones you probably haven’t seen, unless you live in Pakistan, Somalia, or Yemen, not a welcome sight, I’m sure.…

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Philosophy: Pull it from the Tower

One of mankind’s greatest intellectual triumphs is its discovery of a love of wisdom commonly known as Philosophy. Unfortunately, especially in the United States, any mention of the term solicits a roll of the eyes and an insult about an ivory tower or some scatterbrained professor with mismatched socks.…

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Stephen Hawking may have said it best when he asked, “Why did the universe bother to exist at all?” If all this is truly random and arguably meaningless, what, in nature’s name, is the fricking point?


Science and Math: Perils of Modern Thought

By: Daniel Bisch Does science and mathematics accurately reflect the reality of life? Of course, this is opposed to subverting essential qualities of life. Can it be arguably asserted that science and math even have a rightful place within society? The question might seem obvious, and you may think…

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