“This Page Does Not Exist.”

Do you need help deciding which candidate is better for LGBT and marriage equality? Let me assist you. Click here: http://www.mittromney.com/lgbt/ or here: http://www.barackobama.com/lgbt I hope this little exercise convinces everyone who either is LGBT or who loves someone who is LGBT to vote Obama/Biden. When you click on…

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Uncle ‘Turd Blossom’

Perhaps that would change if Democrats, like Republicans, exclusively showered big oil with gifts of lower taxes, tax credits and exemptions, along with the freedom to pollute.

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A Rush to Mediocrity

By OcJim A culture that produces a Rush Limbaugh and his millions of “ditto-head” followers is not healthy. In too many realms of American society, rewards are for the wrong personal attributes, the wrong attitudes, and are distorted toward the wrong results. The most productive, the smartest, the most…



You have noticed that Republicans dominate the news scene day after day, and have for at least the last two decades. It is no accident. It is a unified and scripted approach to gaining dominance, pushing minority beliefs through techniques of fear and angst through a friendly, corporate media.…

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Don’t Cry for Mitt — or Keystone

By OcJim President Obama made an important announcement: as currently planned, the Keystone Pipeline will be dropped. The response from Republicans was predictable. I do get tired of right wing lies, like John Boehner’s claim that the Keystone Pipeline would create 100,000 jobs. Even more brazen and divorced from…

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