Romney Attitude Revealed by Statements?
"I'm running for office, for Pete's sake -- I can't have illegals! " - Mitt Romney
"I'm running for office, for Pete's sake -- I can't have illegals! " - Mitt Romney
The mass media is important in examining social problems, both how they are born and how they persist.
Since the start of the financial crisis, Wall Street criminal activity has resulted in no arrests or prosecutions.
By Jim Hoover The repugnant, the brain-dead, the mediocre, and the ugly seem to be accepted parts of our Republican political scene. Just witness what is euphemistically called the Republican debates. Each debate seems to be speaking for developmentally disabled, gradually working toward repulsive, and scoring a crescendo in…
By: Jim Hoover Obama needs about one billion dollars to get re-elected next year, and he will get the money from the rich. Therefore, he must prove the perspective of the well-heeled, like the old classic song, “You belong to me.” He knows that while Republicans will agitate over…