Dragon Age: Warden vs. Champion
Artwork by goku252525

Dragon Age: Warden vs. Champion

By: Ashley Wrigley After the huge success of Dragon Age: Origins—a game worthy of the rarely deemed description of 100% perfect—the anticipation for Dragon Age 2 was barely containable. The game trailer was officially categorized under “epic” as Origins’ “Sacred Ashes” trailer had. In case you never saw either,…


The CHILDsupport

By: J. Norice Historically, child support has been thought of to serve as a middle ground between two parents to financially support the child.  Modern day child support cases don’t always work that way. Typically money is taken out of the paycheck of the payer, which is usually the…

I Loved You Until I Friended You

I Loved You Until I Friended You

By: Gina Volpe New studies released show that one in five divorce petitions cites Facebook. Well, duh. Aside from the obvious conclusion that Facebook allows you to spot and then divorce the jerks who feature acoustic guitars in their default photos and post badly-written, inane status updates; communicating with…

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