No real genius at the top, just ruthless privilege

You often hear egregious chatter by apologists for the wealthy, conspicuously mouthed by puppeteers of the rich, who almost exclusively come from the Republican Party. They say that the opulent are the ultimate god-given product of a meritocracy. The corporate executives (like Jamie Dimon, CEO of Chase, for example)…


Uncle ‘Turd Blossom’

Perhaps that would change if Democrats, like Republicans, exclusively showered big oil with gifts of lower taxes, tax credits and exemptions, along with the freedom to pollute.

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Our Future: Curse or Care?

By OcJim Who are the people responsible for the starvation of education in America and the heartless treatment of the vulnerable? We all have a role in this disgrace, but the biggest role can be laid at the feet of the rich -- most notably, Wall Street marauders, conservative…

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By: Frank Tissle Editors note: Shared from The New York Times - Please consider the following insert while reading this piece... "The Republicans hoped to prove that the Solyndra loan was a political favor to wealthy investors with Democratic ties, chiefly George Kaiser, An Oklahoma billionaire. They have not…

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Greed is Good…for the Greedy

By Jim Hoover Greed is good. Big government is bad, unless government (us) is bailing out the greedy. This bit of propaganda has infiltrated America since 1970, and gained momentum around the time that Ronald Reagan came upon the scene. Remember, he is the one that said, “Government is…

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