Privatized Elections Trump Democracy

More and more, multi-millionaires and billionaires are hiding behind patriotic-sounding organizations that do their bidding – many paying no taxes – to marshal mercenary companies who in turn outsource to professional snoops and trackers secretly collecting data, and hiring production companies which produce attack ads against political opponents. With…

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Not in my Frack Yard

Why do we feel no sympathy for Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson, not to speak of former Tea Party leader, Dick Armey. Both are suing  Bartonville Water Supply Corporation  to stop the building of a 160 foot water tower “monstrosity” adjacent to Tillerson’s $5 million Bar RR Ranch and Armey’s…

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The Koch Control & Misinformation Network?

Misinformation, even outright lying, seems to be becoming a way of life in almost all of our media. It saturates our lives everywhere – TV, internet, billboards, buses, skywriting, even foreign websites like Asia Times spread misinformation through ads. A few million dollars for the Koch brothers is like…

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The Power of Positive Thinking

What is Positive Thinking?? Positive thinking is an optimistic attitude towards life-events in general. Once understood and applied correctly, positive thinking can yield amazing results on your attitude, life, and your overall experience! See the equation of life is quite simple; everything starts in our mind, then manifest into…

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Why Workout when you can Playout?

We make every excuse not to exercise. No time. No equipment. No gym. No motivation! Exercise was never meant to be a chore. When we were kids we loved to exercise—we ran, we climbed, we skipped, we jumped—and we called it PLAY because it was fun. So why did…

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Unemployment, Low Wages, Ponzi Scheme & Crash?

Congress – as now constituted – will not serve us. We have ample evidence that all GOP allegiance is to the rich, certainly not the people. Furthermore, too many Democrats tend to serve Wall Street, let’s say are not aggressive about our basic need of jobs, a fair share…

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