Hot Liberals

Check out this fresh, fun and sexy Facebook Fanpage called "Hot Liberals." Keeps you up to date with great little reports from the lefty side of the fence in addition to some most excellent photo Albums. Here's what they're about... "This page is out to promote Hot Liberals who…

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Public Displays of Affection: THE RULES

Everybody has an opinion on PDA. and let’s ask ourselves how many times have we seen a couple making intense ‘face-time’ at the park, local coffee shop, or some random corner of Walmart and have really thought to ourselves, “Oh, to be in love!”? Most of the people I’ve…

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The CHILDsupport

By: J. Norice Historically, child support has been thought of to serve as a middle ground between two parents to financially support the child.  Modern day child support cases don’t always work that way. Typically money is taken out of the paycheck of the payer, which is usually the…


So They Say You’re Bipolar

By: Air Brin When I say ‘they’ I mean some type of psychiatric professional who has been trained by some other psychiatric professionals. I don’t mean the inner voice screaming at you day in and day out. Of course, if that voice is screaming at you from outside of…

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