The Tea Party — Billionaire Scam?

Are politicians like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Michelle Bachmann, Paul Ryan, and Marco Rubio populist Tea Party vintage or just tools of the very rich? Is the obstruction caused by Tea Party representatives in Congress really grass-roots, or is it runaway ideologues playing for attention and uncontrolled by their…

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Too Big to Prosecute!

You may have read Les Misérables in school or have seen the movie, thinking that Jean Valjean, a man imprisoned for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his family, is a fictional character in the distant past, at a time when being poor was a criminal matter and…

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Blame it on George W?

By: Jim Hoover Now I know what die-hard conservatives will say without even looking at the chart above: you’re blaming it all on George W. again. Conservatives do have a point. We should blame it on the ignorance and apathy of too many American voters, interference and manipulation of…

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Betrayed and/or Screwed?

By: Jim Hoover Princeton University professor, Cornel West, is bitterly disappointed in Barack Obama. Like many of us, he bought the egalitarian rhetoric Obama used doing the campaign and fought for his election. Now like many of us, he feels betrayed. “The system is rigged against poor and working…

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