The True Meaning of Family: The Stories of Two Zac(h)s
Dads - "My husband and I have adopted three sons, left to right: 20 years - Zac, 15 years -11 years."

The True Meaning of Family: The Stories of Two Zac(h)s

Shared By: Ron Kemp "My mother had six children from four different men. Of the six, I only knew two. Of those two, one was given away when I was five years old because she couldn't afford to take care of all three of us. I met the man…


The CHILDsupport

By: J. Norice Historically, child support has been thought of to serve as a middle ground between two parents to financially support the child.  Modern day child support cases don’t always work that way. Typically money is taken out of the paycheck of the payer, which is usually the…

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