This is Where We Take Our Stand; PBS Broadcast

Dear Friends, I have good news and bad news. The good news: is that This is Where We Take Our Stand, a film about the Iraq Veterans Against the War Winter Soldier/Iraq & Afghanistan Investigation, has now been distributed to every PBS station in the country for broadcast in…

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10 Years Later

By: Fredrick Munculok Often when the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks rolls around for the past half-decade we’ve very cursorily glanced over what happened that day, remembering fuzzy memories and accounts we can recall, and then filling the rest in with 24 hour news coverage of the planes going…

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Empire or Bust

By: James Daniels The involvement of the United States’ military in the Middle East is well known. In recent years, the mainstream media has covered the events in Afghanistan and Iraq on a daily basis. However, these are not the only places with US forces, not by a long…

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