Saving the World: The Systematic Enablers of Climate Change

Obamacare, Income Inequality, and the National Debt are the biggest U.S. political issues of today. However, no one has put much emphasis on climate change’s record pace. Bringing about natural disasters and increasing temperatures, the human race stares extinction in the face yet it barely cracks the top 10…

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Sandy Hook Massacre: Why

The Sandy Hook massacre, a happening too grim and heart-rendering to allow ourselves to even fleetingly dwell on, is the 62nd multiple slaying since 1982 (Mother Jones). As the most tragic, it will replace all other massacres we have maintained in our memories. For Sandy Hook, our reflexive question…

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Liar, Liar!! Pants on Fire!!

By OcJim Here is one Romney campaign  lie!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the facts disputing that lie: Between October 2009 and the present, the unemployment rate has fallen from 10 percent to 8.1 percent. In October 2009, there were 129.5 million Americans with full-time jobs. Today, there are 133…

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A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Warp

By OcJim Last night I listened with interest about a Greyhound bus driver who arbitrarily dumped 13 Occupiers at Amarillo, TX during a trip from San Diego to Washington DC. The parent company, Greyhound, apparently approved of his action. No official statement was heard. From descriptions of his behavior…

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Pentagon Investigates Itself: ‘We are Innocent’

By Tom Hastings @ Hastings on Nonviolence The US military message machine never sleeps, is everywhere, and spends $billions on being dominant in the category of conflict turn-to sources for members of the American mainstream media. Editors want experts and they want experts who have been on the ground…

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Cantor and Kyl: Clowns for the Rich?

By Jim Hoover Two clowns, Rep. Eric Cantor and Senator John Kyl, performers for their real ringmasters, the rich, walked out of bicameral bipartisan debt ceiling talks. Ironically, the elephant in the meeting room still remained. Not the Republicans, but the obvious fact that these meetings, for the Republicans,…

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