10 Steps to Winning Back Your Estranged Wife

If you’ve committed an offense against your wife so egregious that she’s more likely than not to leave you, do these things. (I wrote this for a friend whose wife had just left him. But of course these principles aren’t relationally gender-specific.) 1. Let her be. Respect her need to process…

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Top 10 Tips for Becoming a Better Husband

I don’t know much about much, but after nearly thirty years of being married, I’m confident of these ten things any man can do to make himself a much better husband. 1. Embrace your wrongness. In the course of disagreeing with our wives, what many of we men fail to realize…

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Prop. 8: A Primer and a Play
Prop. 8 plaintiffs Kris Perry, Sandy Stier, Paul Katami, and Jeff Zarrillo attend Federal Appeals Court hearing.

Prop. 8: A Primer and a Play

  Poor California. The path to equality in that state has been strewn with boulders and brambles, and the quest has put advocates of same-sex marriage through more heart-stopping changes than anyone should have to bear. It all started back in 2005—a light-year ago in the history of marriage…


Woman Sues Husband for Lack of Sex

Shared By: Whymenlovewhores.com A French woman sued her ex-husband of 21 years for failing to have enough sex with her during their marriage and now the ex-husband has been ordered to pay her $17,000 in damages. The ex-husband who is 51 years old was fined under article 215 of…

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Dear Mrs. Doe

Dear Ms. Doe, I thought I should take a moment to write you about your husband, for there are a few things I think you need to know about him. Have you noticed lately how handsome he is? He is aging quite nicely even if he is carrying a…

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