Pepper-Spray Civil Liberties?

By Jim Hoover If as Americans you are not embarrassed by the response of jailers at a Tehran prison to two captured American hikers released this month, then you should be. I know that I am. The two American prisoners reported that when they complained about conditions in their…

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To What am I Entitled?

By: Michael Tuosto The modern American liberal has drifted far from the true liberal ideas that The Enlightenment gave birth to.  Individual liberty was the corner stone of the original liberal ideology.  This type of liberty is made possible only through self-reliance and in the absence of a big,…

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Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo

By: Kim Hundrell “The Messiah of the Battlefield.” With vivid imagery and a powerful message, Dalton Trumbo weaves the intriguing tale of a WWI veteran who has lost all his limbs and senses, left in an anonymous hospital bed—it’s never specified in what country—with no discernable or identifiable markers,…

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