While Democracy Sleeps

Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union’s ruthless ruler before WWII, said, “I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how, but what is extremely important is this – who will count the votes, and how.” Republicans have tried the voting angle, limiting voting for the opponents,…

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Owners of America

By OcJim If you are even partially tuned in, you most likely know something about facts of mal-distribution of income: the rich are getting richer and the middle class and the poor, poorer. You probably also know the right vs. left debate: the rich deserve their wealth and the…

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Fat Thumb on the Scale of Fairness and Equality

By Jim Hoover You have seen the scale of justice held by the Lady Justice, often depicted wearing a blindfold to denote justice being meted out objectively. The personification of the moral force in judicial systems dates back to Ancient Egypt’s Goddess Maat, but the image is actually patterned…

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Idiocy and Luxury

By Jim Hoover It is unmitigated idiocy to be cutting the federal budget now with over a 9% national unemployment rate. We need more investment spending on infrastructure, education, and manufacturing technology. Miscreant Republicans are controlling the debate on this topic. They know that sitting presidents normally have difficulty…

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