WHOF: Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook
Kevin O'Neil (Kel) - Founder of WHOF

WHOF: Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook

By: Thomas Drendil WHOF's mission: To make everyone equal, because equal rights aren't equal until everyone has them! Since 2010, Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook (WHOF), with a simple yet powerful message and virtual platform, has been combating the negative imagery that many gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals have…

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Celebrating Acceptance: Dad gets “Born This Way” Tattoo!!

By Ron Kemp What a marvelous story of acceptance!!  At a time when we’re grasping and struggling for acceptance, at a time when we’re losing teen after teen after LGBT teen to suicide because of a lack thereof, we get this heartwarming story from Jessica Romani about her brother,…

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New Milestone for Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook

WHOF's website www.WHOF.net reached an amazing SIX MILLION hits on February 6th, 2012 marking a new milestone for the website that makes it their mission to represent, go to bat for and protect equal rights. WHOF.net which works in tandem with the Wipeout Homophobia On Facebook facebook group, and…

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