Girl up; Stop Child Marriage

Girl Up, a campaign of the United Nations Foundation, gives American girls the opportunity to channel their energy and compassion to raise awareness and funds for programs of the United Nations that help some of the world’s hardest-to-reach adolescent girls. Through Girl Up’s support, girls have the opportunity to…

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Is Your Teen Protecting His Front End?
A little Shaggin Wagon protection

Is Your Teen Protecting His Front End?

  By: Amy Shakewell Being the wonderful single parent that I am, I thought big and safe was the way to go with the first car for my 16 year old son. WRONG!! I didn’t hear “sweet ride” or “nice wheels.” No! What I heard, to my horror, was…

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Enough With the “D.L.” and HIV: Confessions of a Discreet Male Vol 1.

I was watching an episode of 'The View' online when, during a conversation about the Food and Drug Administration's ban on gay and bisexual men donating blood, guest host D.L. Hughley attempted to school America on why HIV is so prevalent among African-American women. He said with confidence, "They are getting it from men who are on the down low."

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Weary for a Cure
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Weary for a Cure

By: Meconstrue We are not at the top of the food chain. Grizzlies, some would say, are at the top of the food chain for land animals. In the sea it's octopuses, the elusive giant ones that eat sharks. We've conquered them though. We can best a bear or…

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