The Power of Positive Thinking

What is Positive Thinking?? Positive thinking is an optimistic attitude towards life-events in general. Once understood and applied correctly, positive thinking can yield amazing results on your attitude, life, and your overall experience! See the equation of life is quite simple; everything starts in our mind, then manifest into…

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Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Hello Friends, Let me start by introducing myself to you, I am Zane VanBaker, I have a vast knowledge in health, psychology, coaching, Human Resources and Personal Enhancement. I am very thankful for TabooJive for giving me the chance to be part of their family and I am looking…

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Why Workout when you can Playout?

We make every excuse not to exercise. No time. No equipment. No gym. No motivation! Exercise was never meant to be a chore. When we were kids we loved to exercise—we ran, we climbed, we skipped, we jumped—and we called it PLAY because it was fun. So why did…

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World AIDS Day: My Friend Jake

“Oh, my God. Are we gonna die?” My good pal Jake (not his real name) and I had just consumed an entire package of Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies. We were hanging out in my dorm room, and, for some reason (being stoned as a wheat cracker), we got it…

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