Some Are More Equal Than Others: Q & A With the Child of a Gay Parent

This week the Supreme Court continues it's argument on weather lesbian and gay couples have the right to marry in The United States.  While equal rights, justice and the obvious morality of not excluding a group based on their sexual preference is all well and good, most intriguing are…

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The Gay Marriage Issue

Marriage is more than a piece of paper. It confers numerous benefits, such as health, disability and life insurance, pension funds and tax refunds for spouses. Many gay couples desire to marry and partake in these benefits but have been denied this right because of their sexuality and that…


The Homecoming Players Take On “8 the Play”

The Homecoming Players in Ithaca, New York, for which I serve as artistic director, won a slot in the national series of staged readings of Dustin Lance Black’s new documentary play, 8, which we performed on August 10. We were thrilled to be part of this program, and a…

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Prop. 8: A Primer and a Play
Prop. 8 plaintiffs Kris Perry, Sandy Stier, Paul Katami, and Jeff Zarrillo attend Federal Appeals Court hearing.

Prop. 8: A Primer and a Play

  Poor California. The path to equality in that state has been strewn with boulders and brambles, and the quest has put advocates of same-sex marriage through more heart-stopping changes than anyone should have to bear. It all started back in 2005—a light-year ago in the history of marriage…

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