The Bookie’s Daughter Free Kindle Ebook Dowloads for 24 hours only.

UPDATE: FREE Kindle ebook downloads for taboojive readers! For 48 hours only, taboojive readers can download Atlanta author Heather Abraham’s “The Bookie’s Daughter: A Memoir of Growing Up in a Crazy, Crime-Ridden Family” recently rated #1 on Amazon’s “Top Rated Memoir & Biographies of Criminals.” The Bookie’s Daughter is…

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Alyssa Hart Recently I heard about a woman who was struggling within a relationship that had become violent.  Concerned about the situation, well-meaning friends urged her to take her two young children and get out of the house.  I don’t know any of the people involved in this situation…


Religion: Purge the Nonsense – Keep the Sensible

The Four Horsemen have done us a great service. They have exposed religion to the eye of analysis and have declared with eloquence that not only is it not beyond criticism but in a civilized society its public examination is fundamentally demanded. They have exposed the horror, degradation, murder and rape that religion often fosters, the abuse heaped on children in the name of sanctity, and the extremists for their dangerous ignorance and denial of science.

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