Ray’s Boom Boom Room – A short commentary on the current economic crisis…

Welcome to Ray’s “Boom-Boom” Room.   So recently, I came across a facebook post that I was completely in agreement with: ‎"Remember when teachers, public employees, Planned Parenthood, NPR and PBS crashed the stock market, wiped out half of our 401Ks, took hundreds of billions in TARP money, spilled…


Facebook Gas Boycott and Unicorns

By: Geoffrey Yonil Cairo did it, why can't we? I wonder if that was the thought process behind this new fad to make Facebook groups and events to boycott big oil this March? Obviously it's not that simple; it never is. Sarah Thompson, one of the fad starters, claimed…

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I Loved You Until I Friended You

I Loved You Until I Friended You

By: Gina Volpe New studies released show that one in five divorce petitions cites Facebook. Well, duh. Aside from the obvious conclusion that Facebook allows you to spot and then divorce the jerks who feature acoustic guitars in their default photos and post badly-written, inane status updates; communicating with…

Courting Distractions


Facebook, if used properly, could be such a tool for liberation that the structure of society would be turned on its head and we would all be liberated from our very structured and protected lives.

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