The Lamest Duck

Since our government has no fixed term of office (unlike most civilised nations), Cameron can push back his termination of office to 2015, but how he could ever rescue the possibility of re-election seems non-existent. (I say 're-election' for sake of argument; the reality is no one voted for this Frankenstein's monster of a government.)

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It’s Not Capitalism, It’s Viral, Mutant Capitalism That Hurts

This two minute story may answer a lot of questions and concerns about capitalism and how it's taken advantage of... What's your view? Please comment below or give a Star Rating approval!!

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U Mad? America’s Obsession with Being Miserable

"Misery Loves Company" is an old American idiom that has sadly become true considering the enormous amount of vitriol, malice and ignorance that is running amok in American political and cultural discourse these days. From politicians to radio shock jocks to ordinary folks, people have no problem with expressing…

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Legal Looting

By: Jim Hoover Matt Taibbi in Griftopia does an effective job of tracing the myriad of ways average Americans have been screwed by a wide network of what he calls grifters, or swindlers, in a confidence game that was blessed by government officials in all branches and at most…


Idiocy and Luxury

By Jim Hoover It is unmitigated idiocy to be cutting the federal budget now with over a 9% national unemployment rate. We need more investment spending on infrastructure, education, and manufacturing technology. Miscreant Republicans are controlling the debate on this topic. They know that sitting presidents normally have difficulty…

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By: James Daniels With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the United States became the world’s only superpower. During the remainder of the decade, the US economy flourished and things went reasonably well both internally and externally for the US. However, things have changed dramatically since then…

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