Crime and Punishment for the Younger Set

This past June the Supreme Court overturned mandatory life sentences without the possibility of parole for minors on the grounds that it constituted “cruel and unusual punishment” under the 8th amendment.  This comes on the heels of similar humanitarian rulings, such as getting rid of the death penalty for…

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What Would John Wayne Say?

By OcJim I just finished watching the 1970 Western, Chisum with John Wayne, probably one of the better westerns of years past. The characters are all icons of western legend, as was John Wayne himself. One thing about westerns is that in the end, the good always seem to…

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Collateral Damages – Chicago; Living in Fear

There is a war currently being waged in a predominately Black and poverty stricken neighborhood in Chicago, Illinois named West Washington Park. The battle grounds are located between 56th and 65th street from Cottage Grove to Martin Luther King Drive. This war has not garnered much media attention except…

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Hate Crime

By: J. Kam I recently became aware of a horrific crime which occurred in January 2007 in Knoxville, Tennessee. I live in another state and was told about this by my husband who read an article online. The crime to which I refer to is the brutal torture and…

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