A New Generation is Coming To Power: Generation WE

The largest Voting Generational Block in the country - surpassing the Baby Boomers are 'The Millennials' a.k.a Generation WE, born between 1978 and 2000 at 95 million people compared to 78 million Baby Boomers. Generation WE is the first generation to inherent a nation in decline. To give you…

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Taboo Jive’s Music Playlist

Below is a small collection of over a 100 songs liked by our admins.    Our Playlist is a mixture of Rock, Rap, Pop, Dance, Alternative and a little Country.     Create your own free profile and music list on Playlist.com then connect with us or just enjoy…

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Republicans For Obama

Editor's note: Most of our engagements are with Suzi on Facebook - we love her solid/stern but well balanced, diplomatic style and appeal. She's a winner! We've been following RFO's news-feed on Facebook for the past six months and highly recommend connecting with them. - TJ Here's what they're…

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