Why it is Patriotic to Not Pay Taxes

By: Adrianne Zhugarb Let's face it, it's not fun paying taxes. That's why there's an entire profession (accountants) hired to deal with the average layman's taxes. But we've been pumped since childhood with these misconceptions and misinformation about how necessary and unavoidable it is to pay taxes. And for…

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Far Right Culture

By: Janice Bulbock What will it mean to be far-right in the spectrum not only of politics but of culture in general? Forty, thirty, twenty years ago, far-right was vastly more identifiable with conservative, reactionary outlook on society in a perpetual search for the good-ole days. From this outlook…

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Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture by Douglas Coupland

By: Steven Yonil With a narrative reminiscent of Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales and Boccaccio’s The Decameron, Coupland’s breakout novel, Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, while a mouth full, is perhaps one of the best chronicles of the post-baby-boomer generation. Written in 1991 after Coupland wrote an article…

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