Rays “Boom-Boom” Room – Vol. 4: Dr. Manning Marable; Education; Michelle Bachman

By: Ray Rife – raysbbr@gmail.com Welcome to Ray’s “Boom-Boom” Room. I feel like I may be tooting my own horn in this instance, but helping someone to move is a true confirmation in friendship. Moving is terrible. So many people move differently. You can have the late packer who…

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Planned Parenthood: Necessity or Luxury?

By: Max P. Domer Since its spiritual founding in 1916, Planned Parenthood has had its share of controversy. When Margret Sanger, an early proponent of birth control and the original president of what would become the organization we have today, founded the first American birth control clinic in Brooklyn,…

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Don’t Ask, But Pray Tell

By: Ashley Wrigley For those of you who somehow missed the DADT debate, DADT is the seventeen-year-old “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that prevents gays and lesbians from openly serving in the military. The repeal was passed in 2010 voted 65-31 but will not take effect until President Obama,…

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