Saving the World: The Systematic Enablers of Climate Change

Obamacare, Income Inequality, and the National Debt are the biggest U.S. political issues of today. However, no one has put much emphasis on climate change’s record pace. Bringing about natural disasters and increasing temperatures, the human race stares extinction in the face yet it barely cracks the top 10…

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Pentagon Investigates Itself: ‘We are Innocent’

By Tom Hastings @ Hastings on Nonviolence The US military message machine never sleeps, is everywhere, and spends $billions on being dominant in the category of conflict turn-to sources for members of the American mainstream media. Editors want experts and they want experts who have been on the ground…

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The End Of The U.S.A.

Shared by Tom Hastings @ Hasting on Nonviolence Back in 1977 The New York Times began taking polls of how Americans feel about Congress. Not until this week, with the clearly craven Congressional inability to stand up for the rights and aspirations of average Americans, has the disapproval rating…

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Take Back The Capitol – Occupy Washington D.C., Dec. 5-9

Next week the 99% are taking Congress back from the 1%. Hundreds of activists and jobless workers from around the country are coming to Washington to fight for JOBS, not cuts. There's going to be a massive occupation on the National Mall. We're going to swarm Congress with thousands…

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