Some Are More Equal Than Others: Q & A With the Child of a Gay Parent

This week the Supreme Court continues it's argument on weather lesbian and gay couples have the right to marry in The United States.  While equal rights, justice and the obvious morality of not excluding a group based on their sexual preference is all well and good, most intriguing are…

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Fifty Years in the Fight for Marriage Equality
Left: Mildred and Richard Loving, married June 1958. Right: Erin-Kate Whitcomb (r) and Michele Rutherford, married June 2008 (Reuters/Erin Siegal).

Fifty Years in the Fight for Marriage Equality

In June 1958 a couple in love went to the District of Columbia to get married because it was illegal for them, an interracial couple, to marry in their home state of Virginia. On their return home, they were arrested and charged with a felony. Mildred and Richard Loving…

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Rays “Boom-Boom” Room – Vol. 4: Dr. Manning Marable; Education; Michelle Bachman

By: Ray Rife – Welcome to Ray’s “Boom-Boom” Room. I feel like I may be tooting my own horn in this instance, but helping someone to move is a true confirmation in friendship. Moving is terrible. So many people move differently. You can have the late packer who…

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