There is Something About Mary Magdalene, Part IV
Unfortunately for Mary, misrepresentations where first popularized by the Church itself and those representations have become the source for the popular culture portrayals.
Unfortunately for Mary, misrepresentations where first popularized by the Church itself and those representations have become the source for the popular culture portrayals.
One of mankind’s greatest intellectual triumphs is its discovery of a love of wisdom commonly known as Philosophy. Unfortunately, especially in the United States, any mention of the term solicits a roll of the eyes and an insult about an ivory tower or some scatterbrained professor with mismatched socks.…
Advocates for equality try to take the high road, because battling hate with hate doesn't bring progress.
By teaching a child disrespect and hate for people different from him/herself, parents impair their child's healthy emotional development and hold him/her back from developing a complete image of diversity the world offers.
My wife Catherine and I used to study and practice Zen. One morning we were walking toward our car after a night spent sitting zazen at a Zen center with a dozen or so other would-be Buddhas. (Zazen is Zen meditation: you sit; you close your eyes; you try to disconnect from…
By: Daniel Mantil There are obviously a lot of Christian imperatives, some of which have been misinterpreted or mistranslated for centuries, some of which could just be taken as allegorical, and then others that are as clear as day. But one of them seems absolutely crystal clear, and ever…
By: Thomas Gilop Often times I’m confronted with a paradox. I have the desire to harm those that harm our society, yet I do not act—or at least, I do not actually physically harm them—out of some moral principle to not harm others. Sure, I might talk and write…
By John Shore One of the things in life of which men are most acutely aware is that there are women everywhere. Today, for instance, I’ve already seen five or six different women. And that was just looking out my living room window. And no, I don’t stand in…
Shared By: Ron Kemp "My mother had six children from four different men. Of the six, I only knew two. Of those two, one was given away when I was five years old because she couldn't afford to take care of all three of us. I met the man…
As far as I know, no one has ever died, gone to the other side of this life, documented it, and come back with indisputable proof of an existence beyond this life here on earth. Not even Jesus, or say, Houdini.