History should point us in the right direction

Most of you have all heard the saying or its paraphrase, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” words actually written by George Santayana. This concept has a special meaning now when special interests – those with an agenda – try to guide us in…

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Aurora Massacre

By OcJim How much longer are we going to permit massacres in our country? For too long a minority force in our society, mostly represented by the National Rifle Association (NRA), has dictated what governs the common good in terms of domestic safety and security. The problem is that…

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Uncle ‘Turd Blossom’

Perhaps that would change if Democrats, like Republicans, exclusively showered big oil with gifts of lower taxes, tax credits and exemptions, along with the freedom to pollute.

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Fracking Crazy

By Jim Hoover Flaming faucets, poisoned water, chemical burns, and even earthquakes could be a legacy of Dick Cheney, our last Vice President of the United States. His secretive energy agreement with energy company big-wigs during  Bush's first term still does widespread damage to Americans; but one corrosive practice…

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Halliburton charged with selling nuclear technology to Iran

An informative look into a very controversial topic and lack of corporate ethics with regards to 'back door business deal tactics' by companies like Halliburton. "Halliburton, the notorious U.S. energy company, sold key nuclear-reactor components to a private Iranian oil company called Oriental Oil Kish as recently as 2005,…

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Gettysburg Twisted

By OcJim Our troops will come home from Iraq by the end of this year. Will they too join the ranks of the homeless, the unemployed, and the walking wounded – many without hope or help. One could well believe that Jim DeMint, Republican Senator from South Carolina, who…

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Save Us from Narcissists and Fools

By Jim Hoover If not for fools and narcissists in our public scene, what would the media have to fill hours of news programs? Celebrities, politicians, sports figures, and megalomaniacs dominate media attention, some annoying and some amusing, but when put in positions of power and authority, potentially dangerous.…

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Media Bias & bin Laden

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Qd4QMODnCc&feature=player_embedded by Jim Hoover The above Youtube video connection documents George W. Bush’s total lack of interest in Osama bin Laden in 2006. Bush's statement five years ago is of particular interest in light of Barack Obama's success in ridding us of bin Laden. What I call “Fabrication Central”…

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