A Traveling Woman

In the spring of this year, a decision that I made last fall will come to fruit and will change my life profoundly for better or worse. I will be leaving Chicago, the city where I have resided my entire life to move to Minneapolis, Minnesota. Employment opportunities in…

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Mr. Mulberry

I am one of those unusual anomalies you find when thinking of political and ideological combinations: a male feminist. I proudly follow and support feminist voices, organisations, individuals and legislation in Britain, as well as the international feminist movements (such as increasing awareness of the Republican Party's war on…

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The Lamest Duck

Since our government has no fixed term of office (unlike most civilised nations), Cameron can push back his termination of office to 2015, but how he could ever rescue the possibility of re-election seems non-existent. (I say 're-election' for sake of argument; the reality is no one voted for this Frankenstein's monster of a government.)

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Facebook Gas Boycott and Unicorns

By: Geoffrey Yonil Cairo did it, why can't we? I wonder if that was the thought process behind this new fad to make Facebook groups and events to boycott big oil this March? Obviously it's not that simple; it never is. Sarah Thompson, one of the fad starters, claimed…

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