“Bridgegate” is Global

The lane closures on the George Washington Bridge during four days last September, including the first day of school and the anniversary of 9/11, had significance well beyond Chris Christie and New Jersey politics. Hanging over our heads, is an attitude, an operative mode that favors individual or corporate…

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Unemployment, Low Wages, Ponzi Scheme & Crash?

Congress – as now constituted – will not serve us. We have ample evidence that all GOP allegiance is to the rich, certainly not the people. Furthermore, too many Democrats tend to serve Wall Street, let’s say are not aggressive about our basic need of jobs, a fair share…

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Global Economy: 10% Recovered; 90% Still Hostages

It was an economy raped and savaged by Wall Street banks and hedge funds with conspiratorial help from a number of quarters, the global economy brought to the brink of ruin. It was the same motivation coming with most rapes, self-gratification and power. Americans responded with redemptive loans –…

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Be prepared to donate your tax revenues again — to banks!

We will have another financial meltdown and perhaps another taxpayer bailout of too-big-to-fail banks, banks even bigger than they were in 2008. Why another meltdown? The greedfest was hardly interrupted. Bonuses and casino capitalism continue. On the morning of July 21st, 2010, it was already evident. On that morning,…

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Gas Tax for Wall Street

By Jim Hoover The oil and gas speculation of Wall Street commodity traders has raised gas prices by more than 64 cents a gallon, say Senator Cantwell of Washington state and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) commissioner, Bart Chilton. The pie chart indicates the amounts and proportions for the…

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