The Painful Truth: Capitalism is a Zero-Sum Game

via Harry Targ @ --> Heartland Radical Mitch Daniels knows a few things about finances and managing a budget. He was director of the Office of Management and Budget under President George W. Bush, president of Eli Lilly and Company's North American Pharmaceutical, governor of Indiana, and currently president…

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Capitalism Beats Capitalism

By: Michael Forrester Capitalism has a mixed reputation in our society as of late. Some argue it's the reason why our society is degrading into a cyst pool of moral decay being led by the love of wealth, while others paint capitalism as a beacon of hope and salvation,…

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‘The Way Back’ – Movie Review

By: Stephanie Pulsck The Way Back is a surprisingly good film. It debuted back in 2010, it stars relatively unknown performers (other than Colin Farrell) along with relatively unknown crew, though some might know director Peter Weir's most famous works, Dead Poet Society and The Truman Show, among others.…

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Graffiti Versus Billboards

By: Thomas Donnovan Broken Window Theory first came about in 1982 when sociologists James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling first published a paper called "Broken Windows: The Police and Neighborhood Safety." In summation, Wilson and Kelling conclude that if the physical makeup of a neighborhood goes into disrepair…

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How Capitalism and Socialism are the Same

By: Bernard Falis We've all heard how diametrically opposed capitalism and socialism are, and whenever a pundit really wants to insult someone they disagree with nowadays, especially in America, they just call them a socialist, e.g. FOX News and Obama's Administration. But are they really that dissimilar? To break…

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It’s Not Capitalism, It’s Viral, Mutant Capitalism That Hurts

This two minute story may answer a lot of questions and concerns about capitalism and how it's taken advantage of... What's your view? Please comment below or give a Star Rating approval!!

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New Zombie Capitalism

By Jim Hoover Not too much has changed in the graven-god-scene since the early Aztecs used razor-sharp obsidian knives to snatch beating hearts pulsing with blood out of their sacrificial victims. Heart-extraction was viewed as a way to liberate the istli (a fragment of the Sun’s heat) and reunite…

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Occupy Wall Street’s Momentum and Meaning

By: Jack Bristle As Occupy Wall Street expands into 1,500 cities worldwide with several million people joining on the streets, it becomes blatantly obvious that despite mainstream media's trivialization of the movement and after a month of protesting it's still gaining momentum. Occupy Wall Street represents the first major…

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The Fallacy of The Human Capital Theory

By: Ms. Henry Human capital or human capitalism has become the explanation of the labor market and earnings inequality put forth by economists. While not a theory of racial and gender inequality in the labor market, this line of reasoning has major implications for minority and gender disadvantages in…

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