Cyber Revenge should be a Crime

Cyber Revenge (or revenge porn) is the despicable act where a scorned ex-lover posts pics of their ex's private, provocative and/or nude pictures online, without the victim's consent, as way to harass or seek revenge against their ex-partner. Even though a legislative bill that would make cyber revenge a…

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Equality Starts in the Classroom

According to the Center for Disease Control, just having a gay straight alliance group in a school dramatically decreases depression, marijuana and alcohol abuse, suicidal thoughts and unexcused absences, imagine the positive outcome if an inclusive history were taught.

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Prop. 8: A Primer and a Play
Prop. 8 plaintiffs Kris Perry, Sandy Stier, Paul Katami, and Jeff Zarrillo attend Federal Appeals Court hearing.

Prop. 8: A Primer and a Play

  Poor California. The path to equality in that state has been strewn with boulders and brambles, and the quest has put advocates of same-sex marriage through more heart-stopping changes than anyone should have to bear. It all started back in 2005—a light-year ago in the history of marriage…

Fifty Years in the Fight for Marriage Equality
Left: Mildred and Richard Loving, married June 1958. Right: Erin-Kate Whitcomb (r) and Michele Rutherford, married June 2008 (Reuters/Erin Siegal).

Fifty Years in the Fight for Marriage Equality

In June 1958 a couple in love went to the District of Columbia to get married because it was illegal for them, an interracial couple, to marry in their home state of Virginia. On their return home, they were arrested and charged with a felony. Mildred and Richard Loving…

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Who Should Panic?

By Jim Hoover For those who are buying potassium iodide tablets, there is another reason to panic. The Cascadia megaquake is long overdue. Run for your lives!! Well, wait a minute. This is only if you live in the coastal region of northern California, Oregon, Washington, or Western Canada.…

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