Greed is Good…for the Greedy

By Jim Hoover Greed is good. Big government is bad, unless government (us) is bailing out the greedy. This bit of propaganda has infiltrated America since 1970, and gained momentum around the time that Ronald Reagan came upon the scene. Remember, he is the one that said, “Government is…


Pepper-Spray Civil Liberties?

By Jim Hoover If as Americans you are not embarrassed by the response of jailers at a Tehran prison to two captured American hikers released this month, then you should be. I know that I am. The two American prisoners reported that when they complained about conditions in their…

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Coffee Party: The Wake Up and Stand Up Revolution

By: Thomas Rhodin In many respects the bi-partisan, Democrat-and-Republican system that we've grown accustomed in the past couple hundred years has failed. Too many voices, yet only two parties to represent the entirety of the nation's desires and needs, with the occasional third party Independent. And then with this…

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Lessons to be Taken out of bin Laden’s Death

By: Thomas Reyour While many are perhaps overzealously reveling and celebrating the death of Osama bin Laden, I propose that rather than throwing up our hands, screaming, "Ding, Dong, bin Laden's dead!" that we rather take this moment in history in silent reflection. Thousands upon thousands dead, civil liberties…

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