Menthol Slim One-Twenty Blues: A Poetry Review on Walter Beck

Walter Beck's poetry is not for the weak spined, new age generation who look for light at the end of every dark tunnel and believes that fairness can be doled out through the power of positive thinking. But they should read it, even if it's force fed down their…

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Solaris – A Review

Science fiction is a world of ideas. That’s why we allow its practitioners such leeway in the quality of their prose. It is rather hard to be a man of ideas and a prose stylist – it’s rather like a metrosexual engineer – a rare breed. When you throw…


Illogical Thoughts by Someone Too Young to Think

By: Samuel Bontin Illogical Thoughts by Someone Too Young to Think is the first book of author Robert Mynatt, a young writer with few pretentions of his writing ability, and who happens to write for Taboo Jive as well. Illogical Thoughts is the inception of a fledgling career that…

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This Side of Paradise

By: George Hince Amory Blaine could possibly be the original Occupy Wall Street protestor. While This Side of Paradise is one of F. Scott Fitzgerald's lesser known works—due primarily with grammatical and spelling errors not corrected by the publishers (Fitzgerald and Hemingway were infamously known as horrible spellers) and…

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Party Monsters

By: Stanley Wicker This is both a movie and book review. The book, published in 1999 and originally titled Disco Bloodbath: A Fabulous but True Tale of Murder in Clubland, was written by James St. James, a celebutante during the 1980s and 1990s who also was a part of…

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Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

By: Jack Lionell Everyone should read at least one story by Murakami in his/her life. Trust me, you will appreciate your life so much better. Kafka on the Shore, while departing from many of Murakami's usual images and themes, is just one in several that I'd recommend. With a…

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Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo

By: Kim Hundrell “The Messiah of the Battlefield.” With vivid imagery and a powerful message, Dalton Trumbo weaves the intriguing tale of a WWI veteran who has lost all his limbs and senses, left in an anonymous hospital bed—it’s never specified in what country—with no discernable or identifiable markers,…

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