Suffer the Little Children – Acts of Terrorism are Wrong

Suffer the Little Children – Acts of Terrorism are Wrong

Pic. of baby suicide bomber used to serve terroristic plots
Terrorism is an ideology that has been around since time immemorial and has been used to topple political leaders, steal land and resources, and enslave people for profit. It is also morally bankrupt for these specific reasons: women and children are the usual victims of terrorism, terrorism serves no purpose except to ruin lives, and terrorism uses murder and murder is wrong. War and its partner, terrorism are two of the most inhumane and useless inventions that humans have created and there can be no justification for premeditated violence against innocents for whatever purpose.

There are over 100 hundred definitions of the word “terrorism” in the English language but my definition of terrorism is this: the organized use of violence to destroy and decimate innocents for whatever purpose, whether political or nonsensical. In the Congo, women, children and babies are raped with impunity. In Chicago, children and teens are shot down like dogs on a daily basis. Under this definition, both of these acts are considered terrorism.

There are some people who believe that acts of terrorism are “necessary evils” needed to create a more democratic world. I disagree. Political reasons, however noble, do not constitute the acts of terrorism against civilians. Why should a woman taking her children to school or to the market be shot down in the streets by some misguided fool who thinks his actions will topple a dictator from power? The vast majority of terrorism victims are women and children and why should they suffer for the arrogance of men constantly? Men are in charge of the economic and political systems in the world and whether it is a legitimate government or an outlaw one, they are the major players in the game and are the ones who plan out terrorist acts. If a political group has a problem with another group, it should target the group specifically instead of bombing a busy marketplace where women and children are the large majority. This is a sexist and pedophilic society we live in. Neither group has much protection or respect and can be looked at as collateral damages of war.

Secondly, acts of terrorism serve no purpose except to kill and maim millions and make the lives of individuals miserable. Violence begets more violence and how can acts such as kidnapping and killing a prime minister, attacking a village and raping all the women and children or setting off a suicide bomb killing thousands be morally correct? Although the bombing of the World Trade Center crippled the foundations of the American economic and political systems for a short time and brought home the possibility of more invasions to millions, it was ultimately for nothing.

Previously, Osama bin Laden had issued two fatwas (a legal Islamic pronouncement), one in 1996 and one in 1998 calling for the murder of all civilians and military personnel from the United States and allied countries by Muslims until they withdraw political support for Israel and withdraw military forces from Islamic countries. Did it work? No. The United States for all intents and purposes own Iraq, are still close allies with Saudi Arabia and still support Israel to the fullest. Any terrorist attacks conducted by Bin Laden and his cohorts have shown him and them to be both morally bankrupt and stupid.

Lastly, acts of terrorism are morally wrong because these people are murdered and murder of any kind is wrong. Murder does not solve problems but create more chaos and misery. Murder violates the sanctity of life and cuts off the ability of its victims to live their lives as they wanted. To murder someone takes a certain kind of arrogance. Who ultimately has the right to cast sentences of death on another human being? No one. I am a mother of three who loves her children fiercely. If one of them were killed, I would want justice for my child. I would want the person who perpetrated the crime to be locked up for all eternity in a small cell with little human contact. Why? A murderer should suffer mental and emotional agonies and death is too easy. Killing the perpetrator of the crime would not bring my child back anymore than the execution of Saddam Hussein has brought back the lives of hundreds of Kurds he ordered slaughtered. The ends do not justify the means when it comes to murder.

In conclusion, any act of terrorism is wrong. To condone the murder, rape and plunder of innocents because of political reasons is morally reprehensible. The United States will eventually have to pay the piper for an act of terrorism committed on its own shores: the decimation of the Native American nation that existed peacefully for centuries before the advent of colonists who used terrorism and violence to destroy and decimate innocents for financial gain. Anything gained because of terrorism is covered with the blood of its victims.

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I am a woman. I am an African-American. Belonging to two minorities has shaped my viewpoint on life in more ways than I can count. It is not easy being a woman in an inherently sexist society. Add skin color to the equation and you have me. This is my world and my viewpoint. You do not have to agree with my thoughts but in the end, you will respect me
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