STOP Teenage Suicide

STOP Teenage Suicide

By: Thomas Drendil

STOP Teenage Suicide is a group of heartfelt, genuine and understanding people banding together on facebook offering community and hope to those feeling lost, alone and/or confused about their purpose and direction in life. Supported by Kevin O’Neil at Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook; ‘STOP Teenage Suicide’ is administered by Lyndsay Winegarden, who maintains and updates their page with a straight-forward message: “I will not give up. I will not stop, until the rate of suicide for everyone is at 0% – especially for our children.” The mental makeup of those who commit suicide is an intricate web of emotions, suppression, pain, and suffering; the members of STOP Teenage Suicide are attempting on a daily basis to help untangle the compounded web, offer refuge and help individuals realize their importance and unique role within this world.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that each year approximately one million people die from suicide, which represents a global mortality rate of 16 people per 100,000 or one death every 40 seconds. It is predicted that by 2020 the rate of death will increase to one every 20 seconds. In addition, for every suicide there are at least 20 attempted suicides. The damage within these individuals is endemic of modern society, and rather than casting them off, STOP Teenage Suicide, and groups like it, are extending a friendly arm to those who need it.

So, what can you do?

Join STOP Teenage Suicide in solidarity on the internet and become a member of their community by ‘liking’ their fan page.

Donate to help lines and organizations dedicated to helping those who have suicidal intentions.

If you know or suspect someone who is thinking about suicide, try to find them help or lend a helping hand by listening to them. Sometimes it is the simplest gestures that bring value and lets a person know you and others do care about them and the importance of their lives.

Despite some of the pervading myths about suicide in the media and elsewhere, suicide is a very real problem that cannot always be medicated away or skirted under the rug. Once we as a global society address the fact that people do commit suicide or have thoughts about suicide, then we can begin to mend the wounds and help those who have depressed or suicidal thoughts and tendencies.

Please join STOP Teenage Suicide and be apart of the coalition in an effort give back the lives to those who believe they have no life worth living.

Watch the following YouTube video to learn more about Teenage Suicide and how it’s being addressed in Canada…

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