Skewer the Women; Join the Kochs

Skewer the Women; Join the Kochs

KochheadsA Harvard graduate and former Marine says gays are “perverted” and “very sick people psychologically, mentally, and emotionally.” Obama has “Muslim sensibilities.” Planned Parenthood can be compared to the KKK. Bishop E.W. Jackson is running for Lieutenant Governor in Virginia as a Republican.

Ken Cuccineli, the Republican candidate for governor, wishes Jackson weren’t running for Attorney General, but Cuccineli has a lot of baggage as well. He would outlaw sodomy – anal or oral sex – whether you are homosexual or heterosexual, married or single, in your own bedroom or in the back of a car. It is against nature, so it’s the government’s job to stop it, he would say. He’s a climate change denier, the first Attorney General to file suit against the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), introduced an amendment to defund Planned Parenthood, and supports letting employers decide if a woman has access to affordable birth control.

The Susan B. Anthony List has trouble finding another politician who is more anti-women.

Both Cuccineli and Jackson were chosen by a special state convention in Virginia, authorized when the Republican Party of Virginia’s state central committee voted to switch from holding a primary to a convention to nominate its 2013 statewide candidates — the process, less democratic and more able to appoint radical right-wing candidates. The result was a radical right-winger, Ken Cuccineli, former Attorney General and Bishop E.W. Jackson, social conservative black preacher.

Scandal has followed the current governor, Bob McDonnel, often called vaginal probe McDonnel due to his support of legislation which would mandate ultrasound vaginal probes if you want an abortion in Virginia. McDonnel’s campaign has taken some $200,000 from supporter Jonnie R. Williams, Sr., while Cuccineli did not disclose stock he bought from Williams’ company and didn’t immediately recuse himself from a suit brought by Williams against the state of Virginia.

But Cuccineli’s opponent in the gubatorial election isn’t bright and shiny either. Terry McAuliffe is running as the Democratic candidate for governor and has some scandalous baggage as well. Somewhat like Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital largesse, he invested a mere $100,000 in Global Crossing which later filed for bankruptcy (around the time of Enron’s scandal) and left McAuliffe with $18 million in less than a year and a half. No one – Republican or Democrat –involved has gone to jail yet, which is kind of par for the course among politicians.

Like in many other states the Koch brothers want to spread their radical attempts to break unions, gut environmental regulation, and secure tax breaks for themselves, even subsidies, by supporting people like Ken Cuccinelli. The Koch contributions to Cuccinelli alone have almost reached $100,000 this early in the campaign, given by Intrust Wealth Management, one of many corporations under their control.

Other billionaires are looking with interest at the Cuccinelli-Jackson pair to do their bidding in the years to come, if both become Governor and Attorney General, a fairly good bet since an off-year race will favor Cuccinelli, though not necessarily a real nutbag like Bishop Jackson. The supporters of Democrats must be motivated to turn out to vote in the next election, though there is no presidential election, for example, to entice voters.

Perhaps efforts by the Susan B. Anthony List will exert enough influence to turn out the vote by women, a specific group both Cuccinelli and Jackson seek to skewer.


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