Hello, my name is Kit and I am a sexual cougar.  Well, at least I have been called a cougar and have been openly accused of being one so I suppose that makes me one. However, I don’t see me fitting into the Corporate Cougar role but I do fit the M.O. on women sexual cougars as described on AskMen: a cougar is a woman who uses the same sexual tactics that a man does to achieve sexual pleasure. Corporate or otherwise, women sexual cougars seem to share the following characteristics.

  • They are of a mature age group.
  • Their targets are men younger than they are, usually 10 to 20 years younger or more.
  • They usually dye their hair, and are almost always a smoker.

But their most outstanding quality above all is their genuine attitude of independence and their confidence in being comfortable with who they are, a pheromone men find simply irresistible!

There is really nothing that special about me, and I don’t view myself as strikingly attractive but men of all ages and marital status seem to be drawn to me.  I am quite the tom-boy and lucky enough to have a body to match, even thought I am well into my mid-fifties. I am far from prissy, genuinely like things guys like, and have no problem telling people to fuck off when provoked.  My hair worn in a cropped, pixie-style, and I could care less how it looks.  I chucked my bra years ago and not because of the 60’s women’s revolution. Frankly, I simply don’t need one. (Big boobs are like big balls—highly over-rated when it comes to a good lay).  For what it’s worth, I have also been perceived by both men and women as being butch.  So be it. The fun part is keeping them guessing. I had a fine, foxy cub tell me once, “You are so much fun!  Being with you is like hanging around with a guy, except you have a slit.”  Now how cool of a compliment is that for a woman to get?  I suppose most women would be appalled at that comment and would take it as sexist or as an insult but not me.  That’s why I get what I want.

Who do I want? I never prey for cubs on the job or in any professional setting. That is extremely dangerous these days! (Like what I do isn’t?)  I find my cubs mostly browsing online dating boards, patiently waiting for that one man flopping around like a fish out of water screaming, “Save me!”  These guys rarely act on impulse.  Secretly, they carefully and patiently design a personal ad, expressing their inner most desires and fantasies.  It is their number one goal to throw out a lifeline in hopes that someone will grab it and save them from the hell-pit in which they’re living. And that’s the man I want!  He is almost always married or living with someone, or he is a single father with a job and kids who has no life. 

They are great guys in highly stressful jobs of all professions. Lots of times, they are dedicated fathers and husbands who have gotten buried under marital debris and crying out for an escape.  Feeling like a piece of the furniture at home, they harbor much resentment and frustration.  They are starving for affection; surprisingly, it is not always about sex.  Mostly, they just want some undivided attention and someone to listen to them for a change.  A large number seem to have no time for guy-friends.  They keep their emotions locked away until they reach the point when it absolutely has to flow.  And when the volcano is ready to blow, well, that will be with me.

My den is secluded and anonymous to the surrounding environment, and it is quiet here. There are no phones ringing, crying kids, or prattling drama.  I lure them in, allowing them to breathe a sigh of relief and act out their sexual fantasies without judgment.  I do as they wish and dress like they wish.  When I am with a cub, it is all about him!  Most just want to feel the touch and warmth of a woman that they cannot get in their current situation—a passionate kiss, a back rub, the ability to act out a fantasy they watched on porn.  And yes, men watch a lot of porn!  What’s even worse is they masturbate so often that at times they cannot get off with a woman by having done it so much.  (Please make a note of this.)

In their after-orgasmic, dopamine stupor, most times they will talk openly.  I say, “So, when was the last time you fucked your wife?”  They stare off into space for a bit and bite their lip, then will usually respond with a negative nod, “I can’t remember.  Hell, I don’t even remember when was the last time we really kissed like we used to.”

“Do you love her?” I ask.

“Yes, but there is just not enough sex, closeness.”

Pushing the limits of my opportunity at hand, I can’t resist prodding further, “Have you discussed your fantasies with your wife, or asked if you could do this fantasy with her?”

“Fuck no! OMG!  I could never ask my wife to do that!  She would think I’m a sicko or something.”


So why do they do it?  Why do they fall prey so easily?  Because their brains are cluttered up with man things and roles he has to uphold in life every, single day. But, a session with the Coug is all they need. It isn’t long until they emerge from their dopamine stupor with the power of 10 Grinch’s, ready to mow the lawn, pressure-wash the house, change the oil and rotate the tires on 2 cars. There is never any money ever involved.  Sometimes, they will present a small token, usually a sex toy or some panties, but my greatest rewards are watching the lines disappear and erase from their face, the pleasure of a pearly-white smile, and a genuine, “Thank you.”  That’s enough for me, and that is why I do what I do.  A hungry cub will return several times until the day comes he feels his big head is screwed on straight again, then he is gone.

So, I ask the audience, why is the prey pool so full?  Why are so many cheating?  Why is there not enough sex?  Whatever happened to foxy studs and sexy chicks?  Do they disappear after the nuptials, the kids?  Doesn’t anybody communicate with their spouse anymore?

I am thinking of retiring soon for there is a special cub that rocked MY world, and that is most definitely a BIG taboo in the Cougar Handbook of Ethics.  BTW, my name has been changed to protect my innocence.  *.*



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