Sex Education and Other Chinese Taboos

Sex Education and Other Chinese Taboos

By Eric Wang

Following is a brief description of various superstitious and taboo topics that are considered to be common in the Chinese culture and society…

– If you’re going to visit someone in the hospital and want to bring them a gift, never bring (or send) red flowers of any kind. In China and many other Asian cultures, red signifies blood and death.

– If you must pee outside there are rules: Be sure to never pee on a living thing whether it be an ant or plant… this is considered to be disrespectful of Mother Nature and the spirit of the land.

– Never point the bottoms of your feet or your fork at anyone – this will be taken as offensive and people will think you are intentionally sending them bad luck or karma.

– Dangling or swinging your legs from your chair or seated position is said to be kicking all your fortune away from you. At the risk of looking like a financial failure – refrain from swinging your legs.

– It is very well known to never stick your chopsticks vertically into your rice bowl and leave it this way – as the Chinese believe this will bring bad luck.

– Fortunately for men, it is considered to be bad luck to do any house work, child care, or perform any duties considered to be traditional responsibilities of the women within your own household. Men may however, perform these duties if it is part of their job or business.

– You may be visited by a ghost for clipping your fingernails or toenails at night.

– It’s considered to be impolite to chew on a toothpick in public.

– It is considered to be unlucky to greet anyone in their bedroom – even the sick should get dressed and be greeted in the main room.

– Never set a mirror facing your bed as the Chinese believe this will not only invite wandering spirits into your bedroom at night but that the spirit of your sleeping soul could enter into the mirror’s realm and may not find it’s way back to your body before you wake up.

– The 1st and the 15th are days of the new and full moon on the Chinese Lunar Calendar. DO NOT have sex on these days as they are considered to be days of sacrifice and is disrespectful to engage in sexual activities.

– It is customary to never open a gift in front of the person who gave it to you.

– The Chinese believe that stepping on a pile of shit is sure to bring bad luck your way…additional bad luck that is, ha!

– Even though sex education or discussion of sex at all is considered to be taboo to the Chinese, they are getting better and more comfortable with addressing this important issue as their population numbers soar. An interesting Fact: If the population of China walked past you in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction. So, it is extremely imperative that the Chinese find a way to overcome their shyness towards the discussions of sexual education to their children and young adults.

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