Sex Addiction Vs. Cheaters

Sex Addiction Vs. Cheaters

By: Natasha Scott

It’s funny how people who have cheated always try to say they’re addicted to sex instead of stating the real reason why they cheated. Sex is a part of life, to some people its a BIG deal and to others it doesn’t really matter. People cheat if the relationship is great and if their relationship is horrible. There is no middle ground when it comes to the human mind. We do what we want when we want to, its that simple.

Here’s the definition of a sex addict: a psychological condition in which an individual has a severe struggle in managing his or her sexual behavior. Some sexologists prefer to call the condition sexual dependency or sexual compulsivity. The existence of the condition is not universally accepted and its etiology, nature and validity are the subject of continuing debate.

Proponents of the concept have offered varying descriptions and models of the putative condition. Some proponents offer an addiction model, which they define by analogy to a substance addiction; while others offer lack-of-control models, which refer to it as “sexual compulsivity” and offer definitions based on obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

So, sexual addiction is based on OCD? That makes no sense! OCD and sexual addiction are two different things but I understand how being obsessed with an act can be the same. Out of all the things to be addicted to I would rather be addicted to sex. Yes, I said it!!!

There’s a big difference in liking sex and being addicted to it. As humans we all think about sex, some think about it more than other but no matter how hard we try not to think about it, we do. I just don’t like when people cheat and say “I’m addicted to sex” like it’s a bad thing. People who cheat like to feel as if they can get away with anything. Instead of being honest and telling their gf/bf, they go behind their backs because they feel they will never get caught.

Cheating is a big secret to hide and some people try to over look it. They think their spouse would never do that to them but in all reality we as people do what we want.

Here’s the definition of a cheater: refers to the overt or covert breaking of rules to gain advantage in a competitive situation. The rules infringed may be explicit, or they may be from an unwritten code of conduct based on morality, ethics or custom, making the identification of cheating a subjective process. Cheating can refer specifically to marital infidelity but let’s not view it so myopically.

Cheating is easy, speaking the truth is hard. Sex addiction and cheating can lead to unwanted drama and diseases. No matter if your’re single or in a relationship you have to be physical with someone to get top notch pleasure. If you’re going to be in a relationship and cheat on your spouse, then you’re an asshole and a punk bitch! Cheating leads to consequences, following Newtonian logica, none of which the cheater usually enjoys.

Sex addiction is all physical; there are a lot of people who only need one part from another person and that’s it. People who need sex all the time don’t care about your life and problems, they just want to get in your pants and keep it moving.

Sex addiction and cheating are two different feelings that people always try to hide. Being addicted to sex and cheating is like getting high on drugs, you’re high, but you want to get to the next level of high so you keep trying new drugs in order to reach an unthinkable high. We are always searching for something new and different because the world we live in tells us to, even if everything in we are life is great.

We always feel there is something better out there until we go out of our comfort zone and realize “stuff” can’t make you happy. You have to find happiness within yourself, sex, drugs and rock roll will fill your high for a moment but when that moment is over so are you.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. First, “why men love whores,” is a hilarious title. I’m going to check it out. Addiction has become the new excuse for everything and a revenue stream for all these folks who graduate from colleges with some sort of psychology degree. I’m a believer that many disorders where conjured up by the pharm cos. and psychologists…now make to this OCD sex addict….

    1. i don’t think i can agree with that statement of mental disorders being conjured up by pharm companies. while i do believe most have taken advantage of them, and perhaps there has been a trend of over-diagnosing, in this case the egg did come before the chicken. in that the disorders are the eggs and the companies preying on those with the disorders are the chickens. and the egg kind just splattered all over the place. sex addiction, at least to my knowledge, doesn’t have any sort of medication–it’s not even really diagnosed that often, compared to bipolar disorder, add, adhd, and others, so there’s no way, really, for the pharm companies to take advantage of them. but that could end in the near future.
      also, i don’t believe it was created by psychologists either. sex addictoin, while it should never be used to cover up cheating, is a debilitating disease. some of the literature on it is quite comprehensive in trying to understand it, and it’s not quite a disease of the rich (though south park’s parody on it was hilarious), but a genuine disorder that affects people’s lives.
      i agree that it shouldn’t be used as a excuse, and therefore more research should go into understanding it so that not every joe smoe who cheats on his spouse is allowed to pull out the sex addiction card from his back pocket. there’s a deeper pathology to it that’s only been scratched at the surface.

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