

You have noticed that Republicans dominate the news scene day after day, and have for at least the last two decades. It is no accident. It is a unified and scripted approach to gaining dominance, pushing minority beliefs through techniques of fear and angst through a friendly, corporate media. The key is to always keep Democrats on the defensive, and Democrats can be counted on to exhibit a defensive posture and an intimidated retreat, offering only a muted response for the people..

Democrats thought they would surely gain momentum against the Republicans after the savage recession that Wall Street greed and fraud brought us at the end of 2007, a casino capitalism moment easily associated with Republicans and the inept George W. Bush administration.

With millions spent for Republican candidates in 2010 and the timidity of the Democratic majority, the elections yielded a landslide for Republicans.

Republicans became more outrageous, controlling the message again with wedge issues like planned parenthood, busting unions, and more corporate giveaways. Republicans pushed national deficit concerns, starving aid to the unemployed, the middle class, and to states, cities and infrastructure, while dominating media attention until Occupy Wall Street heralded the need for jobs and infrastructure spending over deficit concerns.

Consciously or unconsciously, the Republican plan is to keep Americans in an eternal state of fear and angst. This was not easy to do when the middle class was thriving, when we were at peacetime, or when we were not threatened by terrorists. There always has to be a bogeyman for the Republicans.

The current Republican bogeyman, especially with the economic climate getting better and Obama’s victories over terrorists, is a different facet of the war against government. It’s be scared because government is forcing you to use birth control. I know. It sounds ridiculous and it is. But it’s the usual form of demonize government.

Government fiat might make you use … gasp!! … contraception. Currently Republicans want to withdraw the requirement for all employers to support birth control under their health policies. The media responds with spectacle glee with each ludicrous move by conservatives.

Conservatives have led us down the path of near ruin over the last 30 years. After George W. Bush’s tax cuts, we at now at 15.4% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for American income taxes, compared to Ronald Reagan’s 18.2% and 15% in 1950 when there was no Medicare. Republican propaganda-bound litanies still decry Obama as tax and spend.

But in this context, catastrophe looms for all of us. It’s the typical “drown-government-in-the-bathtub” moment of Grover Norquist, who has garnered Republican pledges not to raise taxes. Wedge issues get the conversation off the specter of starving government and lowering taxes for the rich.

Republicans are talking about birth control while payroll tax hikes, unemployment insurance benefit cuts, and as Medicare cuts loom, all able to contribute to a 1% reduction in economic growth. Our delicate economic improvement over the last several months is in the hands of “birth-control” Republicans who want Obama – and us – to fail.

Then there is the budget. Obama’s plan sees taxes as 19.2% of Gross Domestic Product, Romney’s at 17%. Romney’s plan would cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid by 36%, saying he would balance the budget. Romney would give the top 1% $160,000 in lower taxes than Obama would, and double the bottom 20%’s share of taxes over Obama’s plan. Obama’s plan has little hope for passage. If Romney or some similar Republican gets elected, we will see disaster.

The truth is that anything can happen with Citizens United money pushing hundreds of millions into the presidential election.

Though current conditions look good for Obama, money may shake the loaded dice of the next election and give the country snake eyes.

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