Saving the World: The Systematic Enablers of Climate Change

Saving the World: The Systematic Enablers of Climate Change

global climate changeObamacare, Income Inequality, and the National Debt are the biggest U.S. political issues of today. However, no one has put much emphasis on climate change’s record pace. Bringing about natural disasters and increasing temperatures, the human race stares extinction in the face yet it barely cracks the top 10 political issues list. In addition to impending doom, global warming can destroy infrastructure leading to costly repairs and windows of opportunity for radical groups to take control of vulnerable nations. Even in the aftermath of a historically damaging ice storm leaving half a million without power, climate change is given a mere glance before discarded from the American public’s mind. How could we be so deceived?

Three culprits: Obstructive Politicians, Media, and Lobbyists.

My blaming obstructive politicians, *cough* Republicans *cough* is not just a partisan argument. It’s no secret that 2013 experienced the most unproductive congress of all time. By contesting policy with no solution, the GOP has effectively clogged the pipeline of American issues disallowing climate change to reach the forefront of political debate. A most notable example is the Republican Party’s obsession with repealing Obamacare. Whether you agree or not, fighting it is wasted energy amidst the ticking clock for world catastrophe that is climate change. An unproductive congress seeking to remain so in the midst of high stakes is a classic example of a tantrum. The child kicks, screams and falls in the spot where he or she stands to prevent the progress of the group to bigger issues. However, given these obstructive politicians’ power in congress, it is a tantrum the American public is forced to watch as the world crumbles around us. We must oust obstructive and unfocused politicians whether they are Democrat or Republican. Reluctant attention forced by obstructive politician’s antics is further magnified by the next culprit to climate change’s belittlement: The Media.

Broadcast media hides the grim potential of global warming. Newscasts typically give innocent observations such as melted ice caps but never really discuss where this could possibly lead to following public negligence. While the figures vary, we are looking at significant increases in temperature to the point of an inhabitable Earth in the next 100 years! That means the death of your grandchildren and possibly your children if this issue remains neglected. Why does media feel the need to omit this information? At best, this is to prevent widespread panic and anarchy, but at worst, it is a propaganda technique to disallow the public’s fixation on a rapidly approaching grim future. Between the benevolent and malevolent speculation is the possibility that the media is merely mirroring politicians and what they themselves choose to emphasize. If all Republicans want to talk about is how bad Obamacare is and all Democrats want to do is talk about how great it is, then the media must fixate on Obamacare. Media is then left with the sole responsibility to steer the conversation from controversy to important issues; a very unlikely event. So if politicians are controlling the media, then who is controlling the politicians? While I would love to emphatically answer, “The Public” that would be an incredible disservice to public. The real puppet masters and most important culprits for climate changes’ de-emphasis are, in fact, Lobbyists.

Lobbying has corrupted government. Financial incentive has reduced our politicians to actors to the highest bidder. This “pay for policy” system is all made possible by a legislation called “Citizens United.” This legislation allows corporations to donate large sums of money to campaigns. Politicians reciprocate by endorsing legislature beneficial to the corporation allowing them control over political decision-making. Democracy is truly an illusion in this system. In the wake of massive global inequality and the collapse of the middle class, the majority of this country cannot contend in this such a system. The Oil and Gas Industry have been in the top 5 every year since Citizens United was passed. Oil, Gas and Fossil Fuel Industries control legislation on pollution restrictions neglecting their impact on the environment for financial greed. Climate change skeptics and pacifiers who argue the impact of global warming are hired actors, scripted and directed by big oil and gas industries. What can we do in a system stacked against this rigged political machine? Get politically informed ad involved. A key way to know what a politician’s agenda is, campaign contributions. Sites like are your best resources.

In one’s life, there exist moments to seize opportunity in the face of daunting odds. But few times throughout history do we save the world. That time is now. Obstructive politicians, media, and lobbyist are underestimated systematic problems seeking to extinct the entire human population. We cannot allow them to distract us from the gradual weapon of mass destruction they induce. We must seek revolution in our government to address these parties and problems or our world will fall and those we hold dear will be victim to a relentless nature. We must prove worthy of the Earth’s sustenance or force nature’s hand provoked by a select rich minority’s greed and the general public’s negligence. Share this information with a friend, recycle, carpool, get politically involved. We must fight these people for those we love. We must save the world.

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Caesar Leo

I am from College Park, GA and a graduate of Emory University. My major in Sociology has has made me the activist and revolutionary thinker I am today. I played basketball for Emory University for 3 years. I currently am a salesman for and part-time consultant of Playout The Game. I enjoy books on psychology, acting, and learning more about myself and world around me. My main goal in life is to disperse as much positivity to the universe as possible.
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