Republicans For Obama

Republicans For Obama

Editor’s note: Most of our engagements are with Suzi on Facebook – we love her solid/stern but well balanced, diplomatic style and appeal. She’s a winner! We’ve been following RFO’s news-feed on Facebook for the past six months and highly recommend connecting with them. – TJ

Here’s what they’re about…

Republicans for Obama is a grassroots organization of proud party members who all share one important trait — we are Americans first and Republicans second.

Founded in late 2006 as part of the nationwide effort to encourage then-Senator Obama to run for the Presidency, our volunteer-run, grassroots group now includes thousands of members from across the nation. Together, we represent a cross-section of the millions of Republican and conservative independents who support President Obama’s reelection in 2012.

Although we have campaigned, worked for, and voted Republican all our lives, we recognize that President Obama is the right leader for our country at this time. Our current Republican leadership is unable to stand up to the most extreme elements in our party, no matter the circumstance. Meanwhile, President Obama has challenged his own party on numerous issues, including taxes, healthcare and foreign policy. President Obama has forged a pragmatic, common-sense path forward during a challenging time.

President Obama has rejected the politics of division and the win-at-all-costs attitude that has hurt our ability to move forward as a nation. While we as Republicans will not always see eye to eye with President Obama, we know that his politics of unity will lead to a stronger America.

What We Believe

* We believe in a strong national defense, with a foreign policy based on reason and diplomacy.

* We believe in the need to protect our planet and its environment, while remaining mindful of the needs of its inhabitants.

*We believe that government should have minimal interference in the personal lives of citizens.

* We believe in the principle of separation between church and state.

* We believe that when government spends our tax dollars, it must serve the common good, rather than benefit the interests of well-connected interest groups.

* We believe that elected officials and public servants must always be held to the highest of standards, without regard to political viewpoint or party.

* We believe in the value economic competition, and demand that economic growth benefits all Americans.

* We believe that government must not further a culture of dependency, but should initiate policies that help individuals shape their own lives.

* We believe that the conservative principles of fiscal responsibility, personal freedom and a limited, efficient government are what is best for all individuals and for our nation as a whole.

Here’s The Team:


John Martin is the Co-founder and Director of Republicans for Obama. He has worked for various Republican candidates throughout the northeast, most recently on the Foley for Governor campaign in Connecticut. He currently lives in New York City, and is a Navy Reservist and a veteran of the war in Afghanistan.

Forums Moderator

Suzi LeVeaux – Born and raised in the deep south, Suzi LeVeaux, real name Jeanine, has voted mostly Republican since casting her first presidential vote for Nixon. Due to the primary structure in Louisiana at the time, she was a registered Democrat, but that did not stop her from supporting the GOP when they presented the best candidate. When she became sick of of being called a Reagan Democrat in the 1980’s, she finally made the switch, and has been a Republican ever since.

Suzi is a retired optician, whose joy is her family, and whose passion is politics. She is an Eisenhower style Republican, who is very concerned about the hard right turn the GOP has taken.


Randall Leverette – As a student at The George Washington University in Washington, DC, Randall was active in Republican politics, where he was a member of the GWU College Republicans and the GWU Student Government Association. After graduation, he was a member of the National Black Republican Council and served as youth coordinator for the DC Chapter of the organization.

After graduation, he worked as a senior legislative specialist with a prominent DC legal practice covering energy and environmental matters, and working closely with congressional staff and various divisions within the Environmental Protection Agency. He later earned a Masters in Community Economic Development from the University of Southern New Hampshire School of Business where he was also a HUD Scholar.

Randall is a native of Baltimore, Maryland and currently lives in New York City and New Paltz, New York, where in his spare time he’s an avid golfer.

Outreach Coordinator: David Sayers

Web Master

Evan O’Donnell designed the Republicans for Obama site and is responsible for its day to day operation. Evan has been an independently-minded voter for as long as he’s been voting. In light of the increasing amount of partisan bickering that has characterized American politics in recent years, Evan’s encouraged by Senator Obama’s political success and ability to unite.

If you have any technical questions or ideas on how to improve the R.F.O. site, Evan’s the man to talk to.

Join Republicans For Obama Facebook Fanpage or check our their Website @

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