Rejecting Toxins in November, 2012

Rejecting Toxins in November, 2012

What do you do when your opponents have hundreds of millions of dollars to spend, much of it on 30-second-long bogus attack ads that flood battleground states in the last two months of the 2012 presidential election?

Sites of the propaganda battle:

When a few billionaires, like Sheldon Adelson of Nevada and Charles and David Koch, continue to dictate the focus and the flavor of the election, including the candidates that face you and the stands they take, how do you demonstrate to the voters the difference between toxic on the Romney-Ryan (R-R) side and cautious and moderate on the other?

You do it through images that inform about R-R policy. For example, when you gut the EPA it has deadly effects. Literally, for example, one toxic result of gutting environmental restraints takes oxygen out of the air and out of our water. Last year a lake in Texas turned blood red from bacteria, that attacked oxygen-deprived water. Life literally perished in the lake.

Showing the Toxic Side in Images: Click pics to enlarge images…

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