Sick of the dumb, blind optimist? Well, join my club because the damn glass IS half empty, here!
After many reads about the unintelligent and their need to belong to the cult of optimism, I will conclude that yes indeed, I am proud to be an intelligent pessimist. Pessimists don’t expect any “happy happy joy joy” so when something good occurs it IS joyful. They also handle tragedy so much better than their optimist counterparts. Optimists often get blindsided by tragedy always thinking the world is just so beautiful. Expect the worst all the time and you may be pleasantly surprised by the best. Expect the best all the time and you will be dissappointed many times. No one gets through this life without tragedy and if they do then where can I sign up?
Pessimists expect nothing because they can see, intuitively, most outcomes of most situations. The more you know, the more you will despise how most PEOPLE operate! I emphasize people, because unlike all other species on the planet, people are the only ones destroying it and breeding, and destroying more for their offspring; blindly believing that their god will save them from climate change.
Ever notice how dumb people (sad to say that is MOST people) are always happy and the moment you say anything that is actual truth or scientific fact, they jump in with some one-liner like “You need to change your attitude” or “There is a silver lining to every cloud” or “You can’t think like that.”
Um, excuse me? Now I am being told how to think by these dumb people?
People have been brainwashed because, yes, you guessed correctly, dumb people are easily cooerced into believing anything. And our capitalistic, greedy government wants the masses to be this way; easily controlled through media, church and other establishments. There is plenty of evidence of this practice. Just look at McCarthyism during The Cold War, Reaganomics, and the Bush family in business with Big Oil in the middle east and then 9/11. The American government has started quite a few political wars in my lifetime all to unite the Nationalists and fascists and don’t get me started on the Trump cult!
Our government is widely known for controlling the masses through media lies and scare tactics. The Boomers believe everything the government says and look how they turned out! They are obsessed with mainstream television news channels and will watch the same broadcasts over and over; edited half truths and mostly lies. Mainstream media is all about money; not telling the truth. Watching just two minutes of television mainstream news is quite depressing, so I am not sure how they maintain so much optimism.
And how can Boomers be so blindly optimistic while so many of them are dying of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and strokes from eating processed foods and drinking soda all of which are still approved by the FDA? Hello! Cigarette packages have had warnings labels since the 1960’s! But the entitled Boomers have been adequetly labeled as the “It’s not my fault” generation. They do not think they ever need to change their habits. These same Boomers that brag about Woodstock spit on soldiers when they returned from the Vietnam War.
Narcissistic much?
Big Pharma Rx commercials are also aired on those mainstream news channels sucking them in so they stay doped up on the Rx bandaid of which their western medical doctor prescribed for kickbacks. And since when did they start teaching nutrition in medical school? So many dumb Boomers believe everything they hear and see. Again, this is exactly the way our government wants us to live; dumb and weak.
Dumb optimist equals conformists. That conformity came from the monotheistic, patriarchal culture of which I have had to endure this madness since birth! Even as a CHILD I was told constantly “You have an attitude problem” as if saying this was going to help any child. And what child of the 70’s and 80’s knew what the word ‘attitude’ meant at eight years old!?! We didn’t have the internet or smart phones to back up our claims. Of course, I had an attitude problem! I could see the idiocy upon my arrival into this world first and foremost at home! Teachers at school were the absolute worst. I had a few that understood, because like me, they were intelligent pessimists! Most of my college professors leaned toward the half glass empty side as well, thankfully.
Blind optimism is especially difficult for intelligent women because of the sexist society of which we live. Despite the changes occurring in the USA during the 21st century, white males still run our government and most businesses. The patriarchy expects every woman to smile. She is never to be intelligent or have an opinion. You may be thinking, Oh, Raelea, it’s not like that anymore. If you ARE thinking that then you, too, are a dumb, blind optimist and you belong to the Cult of Optimism!
It is much easer to control the dumb and brainwashed; hence why women are expected to smile all the time no matter how they are feeling. Women are just supposed to be happy, little, sexy, objectified girls for the patriarchy to control. As long as women are still making .82 cents to the dollar of man, (according to the last Census) and as long as MEN keep trying to legislate my womb, I have no reason to think otherwise. I am sure various races, ethicities, classes and culture throughout the world play a role in this ridiculousness of optimism, but I will let another writer dig into that one.
Sheeples. They dominate our planet and expect us all to be just as dumb and as happy as them. Remember the Puritan beliefs of our white ancestors? WHITE Puritan IMMIGRANTS killed many Native Americans and destroyed their homes and lands. These indigenous peoples were here for thousands, YES, thousands of years before the inbred British white man invaded. Then, these same white invaders sent some ships over to Africa to get free labor; hence slavery of America.
Our country was founded on this hate by optimistic Puritans! BUT don’t forget that these same Puritans believed that an education distracted one from the Bible. They actually believed idiocy was a gift from “God!” And it is obvious this belief remains to this day. Just ask any hardcore Bible thumping, evangelical, brainwashed Christian or Muslim how they feel about an education or intelligence. “God” despises intelligence, especially if they are female. How many female “witches” were tortured and burned at the stake for having any knowledge, whatsoever! Don’t forget “God” is male and just to ensure the brainwashing sticks, those same religious fanatics added a “son” to the equation!
Misogynistic much?
Lastly, I will say, I rather be an intelligent pessimist than a dumb optimist, anyday. I am married to one of those glass half full types and it can be a real challenge to get my partner to understand how excruciatingly painful it is for someone like me to live amonst so many brainwashed, dumb sheeples.
So here’s to hope for the future!
I am going out on a limb when I say this: I am optimistically thinking that one day, us, Pessimists, WILL BE understood. Because someday an education will hold more value to the masses than religion…?
NOPE. Pandemics will most likely wipe us all out before that happens and I got some good ol’ pessimistic science to back me up there!